Thursday, September 22, 2005

Still in transition

Hello my friends. I am currently working on getting high-ass-speed internet at my new place. Definitely still getting used to my newfound situation, and lessened free time. But I'll be back in action soon. Work is cool. Free time has been REALLY fun lately, because I appreciate it so much more, and I have a little money now. Had some funny nights lately. The band I'm in (alfred sparrow) is playing Halloween night here in Chicago, and hopefully we can get a show or two in the mean time. I really can't wait to start doing that. Man, there's a lot of shit I wanna post, but I've been unable... it'll happen soon though. Like a song I recorded after getting the friend speech from a girl I was starting to like. Anyways, hope you are doing wonderfully. I will post better stuff as soon as humanly possible.

Much love to all of you out there!!!

Friday, September 16, 2005

I still love you.

I'm sorry about the recent lull in posts. I'm ashamed of myself. Hopefully, we will get sweet internet at my new place soon, and I will be back in action. I've also been the busiest I've ever been.. new job and all. But everything is going well.. Its been a good lifestyle change for me so far. As soon as possible, I will post something awesome. (I have some SERIOUSLY awesome stories to relay.. like the one about the dominatrix I met the other night.) So look out for that.

Hope you are doing wonderfully. Really.

Bye.. think I hear the boss coming...

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Happiness. (now I just need a lady)

Hey dudes. Still no internet at my new awesome apartment yet, so I'm typing to you live from a coffee shop near my place. I'm definitely the only straight person in here right now. Sure wish girls looked at me as often as big dudes did. Anyways, just though I would update this shit and send a couple pictures your way. I'm pretty damn happy right now. The happiest I can recall being ever. Everything seems to be falling into place. Amazing new job that makes me feel important, great new apartment with a couple of laid-back roommates, an upcoming debut performance by the band I joined... the list goes on and on... Here's a few pics for ya. Hope this entry finds each of you doing well!!!

Ahh yeah. WDW Design bitches.

What I see when I walk out of the front door of my building. One architectural masterpiece after the other.

More spectacles near my building.

Pink cloud creepin' across the sky after work.

Stacy's built-in lighter holders.

What I'm looking like with my roommate's spectacles.

Thanks for reading and looking. Good Luck New Orleans.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Hello readers!!!

Hi guys and gals. Sorry there haven't been many entries lately. I'm getting adjusted to my new job, and just moved into a new apartment in which the internet is not yet set up. So I have many ideas for pictures and stories to communicate as soon as I get a chance.

On another topic, I can't believe this shit going on in New Orleans. Finally sat down and got a chance to check out the news last night and I was abosolutely shocked by how people are behaving. Its like Lord of the Flys meets Waterworld with a side order of Mad Max. People are behaving like animals. Looting and rape and murder... Disgusting.. Not to metion NO help from the federal government. (thanks Bush, we love you too) Pretty sure he avoided a trip there knowing that he would get his head blown off from 300 different angles. He stopped through Biloxi Mississippi instead. My poor sister (who lives in New Orleans) called me crying last night and told me a little bit about how terrible things are there. (She's safe in Tulsa, by the way, as are my older sister, her husband and kids.) She said my older sister (also evacuated) got a call from her neighbor, who is still stuck in New Orleans. Her neighbor was calling to ask permission to break into my sister's house for food and weapons, as a crazed mob of looters had began to invade the neighborhood. She said she hear something like sixty gun shots during the night. And this is in a nice, quiet neighborhood on the opposite side of the river from New Orleans. Now that is some seriously scary shit.

Happy thoughts. Happy thoughts. All this makes me feel slightly guilty that things are going AWESOME for me. I love my new job. My new apartment is AWESOME. I'm in a band that's gonna start playing shows soon.. etc.. feeling good.

Thanks for reading, O loyal readers. More soon.