Saturday morning bath towel skirt blues
My internet connection at this Tulsa apartment is borrowed and inconsistent. I need to think about getting a legitimate one, I'd probably write in this a lot more if I got one. It was a weird week. Went out with Michael on wednesday night for some beers and some live music. Ended up blowing off too much steam and getting pretty drunk. (michael was driving, so I figured what the fuck) Woke up the next day in my clothes on my couch in the nick of time to get to work. I'd also torn through my kitchen like a robber. I went to work and grabbed an emergency mug of coffee and sat down to focus. As the day went on, I realized that my left hand had been asleep since I woke, and it was now around noon. Upon discussing my plight with those around me, they alerted me that this condition can be associated with heart attack or stroke. Not good. I thought that had to be bullshit (at least in my case) but I asked permission to leave the office and go to see a doctor. Better to be safe than sorry, etc. So, mid-length story shorter, I basically slept on my arm all night, thus pinching a nerve in my left arm. (its totally back to its old, left hand self again) However, in the process of getting my vital signs checked, the doctor (a middle eastern woman with a heavy accent) it was discovered that my blood pressure was abnormally high. This was partly due to the strange circumstances and panic, but its something I need to take into consideration from here on out. Yet another chapter in the book of getting older. So now I type sprawled on my bed with some Shins playing in the background. Last night was the first step in a new phase of me "slowing my row". I went out, yes, but I drank about half of what my usual weekend night self would have, and I had one cigarette instead of nine. (the smoking is something that I plan to phase out fast) The scene was Soundpony and Fincannon (my cousin Dennis and friend Matt's duo) was playing, followed by an extremely unusual and talented multi-instrumentalist from china named Doug. (in america at least) It was a lot of fun, despite my strange, slighty defeated mood. I was more alert for one thing. (a beautiful girl walked by and smiled for example, and I had the presence of mind to smile back) And this all culminated in a free-form jam session, which I participated in briefly. Now to stir up today's adventure.
My internet connection at this Tulsa apartment is borrowed and inconsistent. I need to think about getting a legitimate one, I'd probably write in this a lot more if I got one. It was a weird week. Went out with Michael on wednesday night for some beers and some live music. Ended up blowing off too much steam and getting pretty drunk. (michael was driving, so I figured what the fuck) Woke up the next day in my clothes on my couch in the nick of time to get to work. I'd also torn through my kitchen like a robber. I went to work and grabbed an emergency mug of coffee and sat down to focus. As the day went on, I realized that my left hand had been asleep since I woke, and it was now around noon. Upon discussing my plight with those around me, they alerted me that this condition can be associated with heart attack or stroke. Not good. I thought that had to be bullshit (at least in my case) but I asked permission to leave the office and go to see a doctor. Better to be safe than sorry, etc. So, mid-length story shorter, I basically slept on my arm all night, thus pinching a nerve in my left arm. (its totally back to its old, left hand self again) However, in the process of getting my vital signs checked, the doctor (a middle eastern woman with a heavy accent) it was discovered that my blood pressure was abnormally high. This was partly due to the strange circumstances and panic, but its something I need to take into consideration from here on out. Yet another chapter in the book of getting older. So now I type sprawled on my bed with some Shins playing in the background. Last night was the first step in a new phase of me "slowing my row". I went out, yes, but I drank about half of what my usual weekend night self would have, and I had one cigarette instead of nine. (the smoking is something that I plan to phase out fast) The scene was Soundpony and Fincannon (my cousin Dennis and friend Matt's duo) was playing, followed by an extremely unusual and talented multi-instrumentalist from china named Doug. (in america at least) It was a lot of fun, despite my strange, slighty defeated mood. I was more alert for one thing. (a beautiful girl walked by and smiled for example, and I had the presence of mind to smile back) And this all culminated in a free-form jam session, which I participated in briefly. Now to stir up today's adventure.
i haven't seen you in forever. i hope you're doing well and i'm especially glad you didn't have a heart attack.
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