Still in transition
Hello my friends. I am currently working on getting high-ass-speed internet at my new place. Definitely still getting used to my newfound situation, and lessened free time. But I'll be back in action soon. Work is cool. Free time has been REALLY fun lately, because I appreciate it so much more, and I have a little money now. Had some funny nights lately. The band I'm in (alfred sparrow) is playing Halloween night here in Chicago, and hopefully we can get a show or two in the mean time. I really can't wait to start doing that. Man, there's a lot of shit I wanna post, but I've been unable... it'll happen soon though. Like a song I recorded after getting the friend speech from a girl I was starting to like. Anyways, hope you are doing wonderfully. I will post better stuff as soon as humanly possible.
Much love to all of you out there!!!
Much love to all of you out there!!!