This past weekend was awesome. Ari visited, which ruled of course. On friday night I met her and her sister at some cool bar called "Danny's", and later Kramer met up with us too. We left and got beer and headed over to John's place, where we met up with Stacy and Colleen. We went up on the roofdeck, overlooking the Chicago skyline and proceeded to drink and talk about a range of topics spanning from childhood stories of shitting ourselves, to running for Senate. Then we ate cheezits and crashed on couches.
Saturday night I did some random partying with Christie and company (Jason & Paul). They came over to my hood and we walked over to Jake's, a place I'd never been but have been meaning to check out. Jason kept getting us shots and Irish car bombs. Then we got burritos and beers, went to my tiny-ass apartment and continued the festivities, while Christie served as depressing DJ, playing party hits like "Nightswimming" by REM. Made some sloppy, drunken "installations" involving plastic dinosaurs, styrofoam boxes, rubberband balls and cutlery. Then Christie fell asleep and us boys went up on the roof. It was a weekend of rooftops, apparently.
Nothing cool happened until Stacy and I went to Old Town Ale House on Monday night, in hopes to meet up with Ari after she saw an improv show at Second City. Colleen joined us. After some jukebox tunes and PBR, we were graced with Ari's presence after all. It was a pleasant farewell outing. I bid Ari and Colleen adieu, hopped upon my trusty bicycle, and headed for home.
Here are some completely unrelated pictures: (except for the dino-box one I guess)