Comic relief
Hi everybody! (or rather, hi to the five people that read this) I woke up feeling sick today... stingy throat and some serious congestion.. all that good stuff. But regardless, it was a good day. I didn't work, which is always a good start. In the early afternoon, I went out for a stroll. Went to go get some coffee at Starfucks to find that they're looking for "baristas", thier gay way of giving an interesting name to the people they hire to serve coffee all day. I'm way sick of Ace, so I sat and filled out an application. Hell, it'd be a welcomed change.. not to mention the fact that I would actually be getting paid more than at Ace mutherfucking hardware. So I handed some girl my application. As I was walking out the door, the girl freaks out and yells, "You went to Tulane!?!?" I walked back over shot the shit with her for a minute. "My whole family's from New Orleans! Where did you live?" This went on for a couple minutes, until she felt she had to get back to work. "Well, I'll give this to my manager and tell him you're awesome!" Then I walked down to Chicago Comics, I store I duck into every now and then, entertaining a secret fantasy of making my own little comic book: a dream that has come a little closer to reality today. I paced around the store looking through shit and waiting till the dudes behind the counter were free. I was kinda scared cause they stike me at comic book elitists, like the dudes working in the record store in High Fidelity. I finally walked up and asked them what it would take to get them to carry a homemade comic in thier store. To my absolute surprise, they said that if I made one, and made sure it was put together in a sellable format, I could determine the price, and they would put it on thier shelves! Damn, that is awesome! Not that I think this would amount to much, but they said they would give me 60 percent of the sales. So I left and walked down to the good ol' Peking Chinese Kitchen, the best goddamn chinese food in the world, China included. I took out this Prairie Avenue BookStore paper I had put in my pocket earlier. The front page listed the newly released books, and I quickly noticed one of the books was by Errol Barron, my thesis professor at Tulane last year! Weird. Its a strange world. So then I thought more about the comic and I had the funny idea to incorporate music. I would burn a cd of stuff I've recorded especially for the comic, and include it in the back of the book. Then, at certain times during the comic, there would be a visual cue to play a track on the CD that corresponds to what's going on in the comic. Maybe I'm crazy, but that seems AWESOME to me. Here's a tiny example to illustrate my point:

Click here for the corresponding music!
Now, I realize this is going to take time, but I'm going to do it. And it will be good. I'll send all you fuckers one when I'm done. Here's the basic format I'm invisioning for the book itself..

Have a good day/night! Tell me what you think!!!

Click here for the corresponding music!
Now, I realize this is going to take time, but I'm going to do it. And it will be good. I'll send all you fuckers one when I'm done. Here's the basic format I'm invisioning for the book itself..

Have a good day/night! Tell me what you think!!!
That's so fucking cool dude, and the CD idea's even cooler. I had no idea comic book stores would do that.
Oh, and can you please make a comic featuring the adventures of Cornbeard?
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in that vietnamese restaurant you look as bit vietnamese. weird.
that idea rules...
please do it.
it kind of reminds me of the audio stories when we were kids that had accompanying books and it would beep when you had to turn the page. those were sweet.
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