Boycott the Tender Crisp Bacon Cheddar Ranch
Hello friends. Hope this post finds you doing well. I've been ok lately, trying to not let the lousy job-hunt situation get me down. I've been having some fun lately, enjoying myself and making new friends, which has been cool. New friends are fun to make, it feels like you're starting over with a clean slate, cause they don't know shit about you. Try it soon.

All of you New Orleans folks out there should check out the movie Ray, if you haven't. If for no other reason, check it out for the New Orleans backdrops that appear frequently throughout the film. They chose to film in New Orleans for a large portion of the movie, believing that look of New Orleans would be appropriate, with its plentiful music venues and its southern charm. Many familiar visuals appear in the movie, including shots of the exteriors of the Half Moon Bar, and the Sandpiper Lounge sign on Louisiana. Here's an excerpt I found:
"Ironically, Ray is the best movie to feature New Orleans without explicitly naming it as a location in the film -- which is sad, considering his performances here in places like the now-defunct Dew Drop Inn. But Hackford, working on a non-epic budget, uses New Orleans' old age to great effect in an epic screaming with period detail. Old New Orleans watering holes such as the Sandpiper Lounge, the Half Moon Lounge as well as the Maple Leaf and now-closed El Matador (owned by Hackford's son, Rio) all provide marvelous settings for a variety of live-music performances. The glorious Saenger and Orpheum theaters provide the more upscale performance moments. Hackford also deserves credit for casting local musicians and actors (Clarence Johnson III, Fahnlohnee Harris and the Rev. Lois Dejean immediately come to mind). If this isn't a walking advertisement for New Orleans as a film-production location, nothing is."

In other news, Beck's new CD, "Guero", came out today. I've had it for a month cause I got it from a buddy here who got an early copy, so let me know if you want it, I can get you the files. Its pretty fucking kick-ass. I didn't know what to think about it upon first listen, but it grows on you like a motherfucker. Though its pretty unique as far as Beck albums go, its much closer to "Odelay" than it is "Sea Change". He's messing around with sweet hip-hop beats and bizarre lyrics again, which is refreshing. Though its difficult to pick favorites, my favorite tracks so far are probably "Hell Yes", "Earthquake Weather" and "Go it Alone" (which features Jack White on Bass Guitar). So check that shit out.

One last thing, the same dude who gave me the beck shit, my buddy Kyle, just gave me the new Stephen Malkmus cd, which is amazing cause it doesn't come out until the end of May. For anyone who doesn't know, Stephen Malkmus was the songwriter and frontman of "Pavement", my favorite band fo all time. So I'm always excited when he puts stuff out. This is his third post-pavement release and its called "Face the Truth". If you want it, just let me know, I'll hook you up.
Thanks for reading and have an awesome day/night!!!

All of you New Orleans folks out there should check out the movie Ray, if you haven't. If for no other reason, check it out for the New Orleans backdrops that appear frequently throughout the film. They chose to film in New Orleans for a large portion of the movie, believing that look of New Orleans would be appropriate, with its plentiful music venues and its southern charm. Many familiar visuals appear in the movie, including shots of the exteriors of the Half Moon Bar, and the Sandpiper Lounge sign on Louisiana. Here's an excerpt I found:
"Ironically, Ray is the best movie to feature New Orleans without explicitly naming it as a location in the film -- which is sad, considering his performances here in places like the now-defunct Dew Drop Inn. But Hackford, working on a non-epic budget, uses New Orleans' old age to great effect in an epic screaming with period detail. Old New Orleans watering holes such as the Sandpiper Lounge, the Half Moon Lounge as well as the Maple Leaf and now-closed El Matador (owned by Hackford's son, Rio) all provide marvelous settings for a variety of live-music performances. The glorious Saenger and Orpheum theaters provide the more upscale performance moments. Hackford also deserves credit for casting local musicians and actors (Clarence Johnson III, Fahnlohnee Harris and the Rev. Lois Dejean immediately come to mind). If this isn't a walking advertisement for New Orleans as a film-production location, nothing is."

In other news, Beck's new CD, "Guero", came out today. I've had it for a month cause I got it from a buddy here who got an early copy, so let me know if you want it, I can get you the files. Its pretty fucking kick-ass. I didn't know what to think about it upon first listen, but it grows on you like a motherfucker. Though its pretty unique as far as Beck albums go, its much closer to "Odelay" than it is "Sea Change". He's messing around with sweet hip-hop beats and bizarre lyrics again, which is refreshing. Though its difficult to pick favorites, my favorite tracks so far are probably "Hell Yes", "Earthquake Weather" and "Go it Alone" (which features Jack White on Bass Guitar). So check that shit out.

One last thing, the same dude who gave me the beck shit, my buddy Kyle, just gave me the new Stephen Malkmus cd, which is amazing cause it doesn't come out until the end of May. For anyone who doesn't know, Stephen Malkmus was the songwriter and frontman of "Pavement", my favorite band fo all time. So I'm always excited when he puts stuff out. This is his third post-pavement release and its called "Face the Truth". If you want it, just let me know, I'll hook you up.
Thanks for reading and have an awesome day/night!!!
no way!!!!!
i NEED that SM album!!!!!!!!!!!!
i'm trying to find it now
i need the beck one too
i've only heard "post paint boy," and it fucking rules.
is he playing jick-less?
i can't wait to hear the rest of the album.
oh, and the new weezer "drops" may 10th. there's a song from it on itunes - check it.
please send the SM album to the following address:
thank you, al.
so i've been listening to the new sm and i dont like it as much as pig lib, but its good.
did you beck is scientologist??? that shit is fucked up, to say the least.
come out of mario paint land and post a new entry dudre.
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