the night of 1000 co-inkeedinkies...

Man, weird day that became an even weirder night. I woke in a hung-over stupor. It was a warm, familiar feeling. I turned on the TV and saw Anchorman on HBO. Not bad. The next significant incident was a call from Jeremy and Jenny (a Tulsa couple that I now know rules) alerting me that they were in fact in town and ready to get down to business. (allow me to twist the stubborn cap off of this beer bottle.) Done, ahh.... beer. Ok, So they informed me that they were navigating Chicago via bike, and that got me thinking, I really want a bike. So after some light research, I jumped in Duke (my car) and got myself to Walmart (evil corporation that sells fifty dollar bikes) and bought myself a blue mountain bike that sucks, yet works. So then it was meeting Jenny & Jeremy with a quickness. The intersection we agreed on happened to be beautifully close to one of the coolest bars in Chicago, The Old Town Ale House. So we spoke over two pitchers of Pabst Blue Ribbon and unraveled the mysteries of several of our nightmares. We also coincidentally ran into none other than Zach fucking Litwack at the same dim bar. Then it was hopping on our bikes and heading toward my neighborhood so that I could bestow upon Jenny a pack of my recently procured cigarettes. (thank you camel girl, wherever you are.) When that errand had come to its end, we locked our bikes and walked to the familiar and beloved L & L Lounge. We drank several beers, Jenny told numerous bad jokes and Jeremy began a slight slur. (you both rule highly however) Then it was time for them to go. I gave them brief but effective instructions on how to get back to their hotel and I headed home. However, when I reached my destination, I felt an undeniable pull to venture back to the good ol' L & L. I did just that. I walked up and found that the bar was more populated, finding only a single bar stool available. I shyly and unusually asked the girl next to it if the seat was taken. I then met a girl that I had only previously dreamed of. Wow, I don't know if anything will come of this and frankly I don't care. Here I will list what we have in common: 1) We are both new to Chicago, both having moved here specifically one year ago. 2) We both somehow have hung out alone at the L & L Lounge for the past several months, feeling lonely. 3) She graduated with an Art Degree, and identifies with my difficulties finding employment and purpose. 4) She also moved here knowing one person. (Though I felt the urge to call out these insane coincidences, I held back, fearing that they would appear to be eager pick-up lines.) 5) She had white flowers with her, lying on the bar, and when I asked about them, she revealed that she liked to buy flowers for herself, a steady habit of mine when i live in New Orleans. 6) She asked me how oldd I was, and I told her I just turned 27. She just turned 27 too. 7) When I inquired about how she had been doing as far as making friends, she replied that she had been slightly reclusive, and could have probably have done better. (BOOM, that's me.) Man, the list went on and on. Plus she was SOOOOO hot. I was surprised that she even wanted to talk to me. (she started it all, I sat down and she said, "My name is Gretel.") She eventually stood to leave, after a good couple hours of enthrawling conversation. She told me that it was nice meeting me and I replied that perhaps we'd meet eachother again. (too chickenshit and paranoid that it would seem typical to ask for her number.) She responed, "if you come here tomorrow night you will." Awesome.
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