It's been a long time since I "rock n' rolled"

Incidentally, its also been a long time since I wrote anything substantial up on this bitch. So that's what I aim to do right now. I feel like a tornado and a hurricane and an earthquake and a nuclear fallout all teamed up and hit me at once over these last few days. My friend Nick left town early afternoon on Saturday, but his friend Tony hung around until just moments ago. He's a frat dude, so I wasn't sure I had what it took to keep up. I don't know Tony all that well, so it was random to be hanging out with him nonstop in my tiny-ass apartment. But it turned out to be a lot of fun. The fucking beer beeramid to my left is testament to that. A lot of old Metallica involved. Fuck a wasp just flew in through the window. Activate screenage. We ended up loafing all day, with one of the most ambitious activities being the viewing of Anchorman, quite possibly the fourty-seventh time I've seen that little gem. My hair is the texture of yarn. That's apparently what you get when you drink all night and wake up on an unfamiliar couch with no legit pillow. Sometimes I think the only difference between me and a bum is that I have an apartment. I always seem to be flat broke in the summer, and in a way its kind of nice. Living simply and in the moment. (I mean, don't get me wrong, I am working, but its not exactly full time, I do it from home, and I don't get paid till its done.. but it'll be some serious $ !!!) Summer to me always has this lazy, bittersweet quality about it. (see the jazz standard, "Summertime") The weather is fucking gorgeous here, I gotta give it that. Been like 70 degrees and sunny every day for two weeks now. Yeah. Mother Nature... you nailed it! Right there, mother nature, right there. Now I'm just rambling. (see "Ramble On" by Led Zeppelin) What was I even typing about?.. Oh yeah, Tony. So we successfully killed the long, lazy afternoon, polishing off a wall of beer, playing megaman, and flipping channels. Then I got a call from good ol' John Kramer about a party that Nate and him were having at Nate's brand new apartment. (which is very nice) "Oh boy", I thought, like Scott Bakula at the begining of every Quantum Leap episode, "Bet this frat dude's really gonna love the idea of going to a little soiree hosted by two gay dudes". But everything worked out wonderfully. The End. Just kidding. So we embarked on what seemed like a sixteen hour busride, complete with tranfers, in order to get to Nate's new place. Though its a wonderful apartment, its a bitch to get to through public transportation. It was a good time though, quite a few architecture folk there, so it was nice to shoot the shit with them. (for a bit at least, some of them didn't know how to talk about anything else) Got real wasted on minty mojitos and beer. Talked to some really cool girl for quite a while, which is good for me, I normally don't stick to any one person at parties for long. Then I looked over to see that Tony was passed out cold in a camping chair on the balcony. Hey, it happens. (I win!!! and I was never even in a fraternity!) Things dwindled, we were all reduced to conversations about the stars, and slowly people headed home. I didn't feel like making the fucking bus pilgrimage home, so I found a couch and said goodnight.
Thanks for reading.

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