Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Andy Dick is an asshole.

Titles are stupid. Hello again. How are you, internet reader? Well, I had a job interview today! With SOM, a serious architecture firm here in Chicago. The office was amazing. It consumes several floors in a Daniel Burnham building on Michigan avenue. The office is all visually linked by a huge atrium opening cutting through the middle of each floor, and there's an awesome contemporary architecture exhibit on the first floor. Also, as an added bonus, the Art Institute of Chicago is directly across the street. I decided I really want this job. They better fucking call me. I saw interior rederings for the new tallest building in the world in Dubai. They're insane. Some of the models and rederings in the office were incredible. Anyways, its not originally what I had in mind when I moved here for work, but at this point, it seems like an exciting possibility. Getting all dressed up and taking the train downtown walking around like a real fancypants.. seems cool. So wish me luck, hope they "get back to me". This whole "professional world" career shit is sooo weird, I honestly don't know if I'm ready for it.. guess I don't really have a choice. Aspects of it seem awesome, and some seem retarded and horrifying. Some of you readers are undoubtedly going through the same thing. Well, until I hear from them, (if I do) it's back Ace hardware, which I shouldn't say anything about since this psycho girl at work printed out one of my co-workers blogs and showed it to my boss. It said some stuff about skipping work and she wanted to get my friend Stacy in trouble with the manager. What's up middle school? Glad to be back. In other news, Gary Busey just said "you have what's called an emotional cancer" to some guy. What the fuck does that mean? Thanks, internet reader. Thanks for reading.


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