Sunday evening blues...
Hey Everybody. Its been so long since I've used this for what I originally intended it for: Douching of the Brain. Well, here I sit on a Sunday evening - just took a sweet shower, drinkin some coffee, and listening to Horace Silver, a jazz pianist. To further evidence today's lofty ambitions, I just took my laundry out of the dryer, so I'm feeling pretty clean right about now. Well, guess fall was kinda skipped after all here, though there were a few amazing days of in between weather complete with a beautiful array of colored leaves adorning every tree. Could used more a that. This was a weird weekend. I've been feeling like I'm getting sick, which is never fun - so I pretty much took it easy, slept and read a lot, and ate a shitload of soup. Went to a delicious dinner party at a friend's house and out for a couple drinks on friday. Other than that, shockingly uneventful. I'm almost through this "The Lives of John Lennon" book, an insanely in-depth biography by some dude who studied and conducted interviews about Lennon's life for 16 years or something rediculous. It all but tells you when he took a shit every day. It's REALLY interesting though. What I've thought about him has changed pretty drastically - he was an asshole basically, but a very interesting one. Well, my roommate just got back in to town from visiting the mrs., so my private, pensive weekend has ceased. That's cool, I could use some company. I cannot believe we are already being attacked by Christmas cheer, only mere days after Halloween. I walked into Walgreens and was pummeled by yuletide jingles and little battery-powered elves dancing in my face. Not sure I'm ready for that shit yet. Gimmee a holler out there! I'll try to start writing in here again. Hope you enjoyed the postings from the TWR show, it was a fucking blast!
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